Wednesday, December 22, 2010

How To Train The People Behind The Skills

Many organizations suffer the consequences of poor training in the simple procedures of soft skills.

An organization’s success depends not only on hard technical skills, but its members’ ability to work together effectively. Success can be jeopardized by factors such as inter-staff politics, personal agendas, lack of energy and commitment to organizational goals, and poor communication.

How can your organization avoid these dangers and achieve actionable outcomes with LMS online training?

The purpose of any kind of training is the acquisition of skills. So what kind of skills are teachable? What skills can you expect to nurture in online training? The truth is that all skills, both soft and hard, are teachable-and critical to an organization’s success.

Soft skills, or “people skills,” are utilized in both professional and personal life, and include all the procedures involved in effective communication.

These include listening, engaging in dialogue, providing feedback, functioning in a team setting, resolving issues and conflicts, and contributing in staff meetings.

Hard skills, on the other hand, refer to the occupational requirements of a position. These include technical or administrative skills related directly to the organization’s business. Examples include typing, software knowledge, operating machinery, and speaking a foreign language.

Hard skills are often contrasted to soft skills and defined as specific and “teachable” abilities which can be quantified and defined. However, unlike a personal attribute or natural talent, a skill is always something that can be learned, and converted into a personal and professional attribute.

It’s simple.

In order to learn any skill, you need to learn and recall information accompanied by certain steps to follow. Then you need to apply the information and steps. It isn’t necessary that a learner understand all the principles behind the subject matter in order to gain the skills required to perform the tasks well, but that he or she understand what steps to take and how to take them in a given situation.

So how can you deliver effective LMS training for project management and other In order to deliver effective online training in soft or hard skills, there are three simple steps: 1. Provide the information and steps. 2. Reinforce through practice and exercises. 3. Use quizzes and tests to confirm knowledge.


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