Teachers and administrators from other public and private schools in Palm Beach County and surrounding counties are invited to participate. In addition, educators from local colleges and universities are also invited to attend.
To register and for more information regarding the an innovative learning experience, visit the conference website, techconf.palmbeachschools.org
The keynote speaker will be internationally renowned Rushton Hurley, founder and executive director of the educational nonprofit Next Vista for Learning. Hurley has worked and studied on three continents as a Japanese language teacher, principal of an online high school, teacher trainer, educational technology researcher and school reform consultant.
The closing speaker is Travis Allen, a young visionary for digital learning in the classroom. A few years ago, while still in high school, Travis created a viral YouTube video on revolutionizing education in America through mobile learning. Today, Travis is a junior at Kennesaw State University, where he operates his growing non-profit organization, The iSchool Initiative.
Other featured speakers include Mark Benno, Apple area development manager and curriculum evangelist; John Couch, Apple vice president of education; Hall Davidson, senior director of Global Learning Initiatives for Discovery Education; Lance Rougeux, director of Discovery Educator Network; and Dean Shareski, digital learning consultant for Prairie South School Division in Moose Jaw, SK and contributor to Tech for Learning and Huffington Post.
As in the past, in addition to a variety of other nationally known speakers, the conference will feature a large offering of breakout sessions, a leadership track, and an extensive vendor hall.
This year, an Innovative Educator Contest is being held in which teachers were asked to demonstrate how they use technology in the classroom to enhance learning outcomes while increasing student engagement and success. Numerous teachers submitted project examples demonstrating innovative uses of technology. The winners will be honored at the conference Opening Session.
For more information contact Lee Kolbert at 561-714-8180 or 561-434-8497 or via e-mail at lee.kolbert@palmbeachschools.org
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