To mark the 10th anniversary of the eLearning Awards , European Schoolnet invites all schools and teacher training institutions in Europe and beyond, one to participate in this competition and to register at the following address : The participants will do so to present their best projects for the use of information and communication technologies in teaching and learning. In 2009 700 teachers from 36 countries have submitted their work in the competition .
Selected by an international jury of experts winners in each category will receive presents several thousand Euros as prize money and ICT equipment. As already used successfully in 2009 , this year's competition will once again be also open to international participants from non-European countries (see the full list of countries teilnahmefähigen in the below rules).
Another new feature:
The 50 best entries will be included in the Library for the exchange of learning resources (the Learning Exchange Resource library) ( To make the innovative teaching methods of teachers for a wide range of interested educators visible and to encourage more teachers to follow these examples.
To participate in the eLearning Awards , the contributions of schools and teacher training to be considered from the following countries : EU Member States, countries from the European Economic Area ( EEA ), EU- accession countries as well as Switzerland , Israel and Georgia.
Participation in the competition category of "international cooperation "is open to all countries around the world .
A web gallery on the eLearning Awards website will showcase the contributions of all participants. These will be reviewed by a panel of experts. The articles are now available and to 28 September 2010 via the website : be submitted.
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